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Councillor Training

Become a better informed trustee for your constituents by learning the basics and making sure that public funds are wisely spent.


On-Site Training

Here's what you'll learn

Our professional instructors will teach you:

The Anatomy of a Road And Road Issues
Shoulder Maintenance
Drainage Module
Benefits of Dust Control
Maintaining Gravel Roads
Motor Grader Techniques (New & Old)
Operating In Tandem
**This training is customized to suit each client’s needs and address areas of concern. We can also adapt the training to consider areas other than gravel road maintenance.

Industry Standards

Our instruction meets or exceeds industry standards


Certification documents proficiency and skills

Peer to Peer Training

Facilitated learning peer to peer. Experience counts!

Expert Instructors

Taught by pro instructors who’ve done the job!

Built From Experience

Courses developed by people who’ve done the job

Service First

We are committed to your success, start to finish

Why Take This Course

As a representative of the people, you are entrusted to ensure that public funds are spent wisely.  Therefore, it is important for you to be aware of how your public works department is spending its funds.  One way to do that is taking a training course that covers the basics, such as how to maintain a properly constructed gravel road.  This is a complex subject that is often taken for granted, however they can become money pits very quickly without proper care and consideration.

A comprehensive overview on gravel road construction and maintenance is your opportunity to become a better informed trustee for your constituents.


On-Site Training

On-demand not available for "Councillor Training"

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In-Person not available for "Councillor Training"

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Live Webinars not available for "Councillor Training"

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